CoVID-19 provides direct and glaring example of this. In terms of medical tools, treatments, and the research and industrial capacity to make more, it would be hard to make the case that any country in the world has more than the United States of America. Disinfecting sprays seem to have become an enormous business. Security theatre is doing—or, really, being seen to do—something that actually isn’t going to have any particular effect on the risk or threat people are worried about. On the nightly news, one news anchor proudly showed off a face mask that his wife had crafted. The most effective orders for preventing the spread of the disease would be to enforce isolation and distancing and to close bars, nightclubs, and casinos. There are many uses for the idea. It could be used to provide masks for medical staff so they aren’t as scary to kids they are treating. The travel industry is taking a beating over CoVID-19.