Role-playing construction sets are extremely useful in designing the spaces of quests, since they allow a beginner to create detailed, fantasy-themed environments in a relatively short amount of time. The Aurora Toolset, BioWare’s first version of their construction set packaged with Neverwinter Nights, was highly modular, with a variety of preexisting tilesets that make world building a matter of well-planned dragging and dropping. The pattern of “objective,” “obstacle,” and “solution” described by Emmanuel Guardiola as characterizing the quest should be distributed strategically across the levels of the game in order to balance difficulty with reward. Many games with quests, from World of Warcraft to The Witcher 3, have used a mini-map and compass to assist players in navigation-based quests. Use a modular kit or combination of modular kits in Unity to design an environment based on the description of the mysterious castle of Hautdesert from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.