The research for buffering algorithms can be traced back to the 1960s, when Europe first introduced statistics into geography. The traditional buffering algorithm includes point elements, line elements, and polygon element buffering. Since the 1960s, many novel algorithms have been developed. For example, in early 1975, Chvátal first proposed a buffer creation algorithm using computational geometry, and then in 1985, Preparata and Shamos and Aggarwal et al. extended this method. In 1997, Wu proposed an improved algorithm for generation of a line buffering zone called “geometric model for both-side parallel lines buffer generation.” This method was presented on the basis of a comparison analysis of the two methods of line buffer generations, the angle bisector method and circular arc method, and can effectively solve problems such as determination of convex and concave of a chord arc. Wu proposed a vector buffer algorithm for point, line, and polygon elements using a buffer curve and edge-constrained triangulation network in 1999.