The avian species included in this part are the Red Jungle Fowl, domesticated fowl, Japanese ceruail, Pigeon, parrots of 3 families and 5 sub families, partridge myana. Bharat is the home land of red jungle fowl. On the basis of morphological variations the red jungle fowl of Bharat and other Asian countries are distinguished into different sub species or varieties. The cocks of Red jungle fowl mature earlier than the females of the same flock. It is a very heavy large size coloured variety of Red Jungle Fowl of the forests along the Brahmaputra river of the north-east states of the Bharat. It was easy to capture wild Brahma and tame as ornamental bird before 1947 when tress passing through their habitats was uncommon and least disturbing due to movements of motor vehicles and railway trains. Brahma is the heaviest and largest variety of the Red Jungle Fowl of the east of the Bhartiya sub continent.