Pigeons, at least a pair of pigeons are seen by the pilgrims visiting highly pois cave of Lard Shiva, the Amarnath situated in the Jammu and Kashmir state of Bharat. Pigeon is a docile bird and its hunting for meat is considered a cowar dish act in most parts of the Bharat. Pigeon squabs for meat are marketed at 5-6 weeks of age and 150-200 g body weight. Wild pigeons eat fallen grains of weeds, cultivated crops, herbs and shrubs. Domesticated pigeons are generally fed the compounded feeds of chicken and broilers. Body weight of adult pigeons of different breeds ranges from 200 g to 800 g. Some of the physiological values of the pigeon are as follows. The methods of grouping pigeons in different families is highly variable between the countries and nitrogen within the country. Some important breeds of pigeon alongwith salient features and other notable traits are presented in table.