The bird is more common in the Bhartiya sub continent, south-east Asia, Africa, islands of south-east pacific region, Arabian countries, Australia, New Zealand, Fizi, Tonga and Hawai islands. In the Bhartiya subcontinent famous cities of bulbul fight sports are Lucknow, Varanasi, Agra, patna, Jaipur, Hydarabad, Lohare, Karanchi and other places. The red vented bulbul has been studied more extensively than the yellow vented bulbul. The main apparent difference between the two species is the colour of vent area, which red in red vented bulbul and yellow in yellow vented bulbul. The clutch size of yellow vented bulbul is 2-5 eggs and thus species is also multi clutch layer in a breeding season. The feeds of bulbul include grains seeds, oilseeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, insects, larvae and pupae etc. The bulbuls are unable to synthesize vitamin C and requires dietary sources. Pet bulbuls are fed guava and other juicy fruits for the supply of vitamin C.