Mayana, specically the Bhartiya talking Mayana capable of mimic human and other voices when caged as pet in houses. The Myanas are medium size passerines birds, which are found on the outer trees of forests, orchards of guava, mango and other drupe type fruits. The reproductive behaviour of myanas is considerably variable among the species. Pairs of myanas make nest in the cavities of trees in advance. Such places for breeding are generally preferred by the species living near the human habitations of rural areas. The clutch size of yellow vented bulbul is 2-5 eggs and thus species is also multi clutch layer in a breeding season. The feeds of bulbul include grains seeds, oilseeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, insects, larvae and pupae etc. The bulbuls are unable to synthesize vitamin C and requires dietary sources. Pet bulbuls are fed guava and other juicy fruits for the supply of vitamin C.