A cloud Data Center (DC) is a service-oriented architecture where all devices, systems, and functions are considered services. In addition to basic components defined by OpenStack, the FusionSphere service model maps physical resources to logical NEs from the perspective of DC resource deployment. iMaster NCE-Fabric also provides a network service orchestration model. In addition to network service orchestration, iMaster NCE-Fabric also provides security service orchestration. This chapter describes interaction between components and introduces the architecture of the cloud DCN solution. It discusses a typical service provisioning process as an example to describe the interaction between components in the cloud DCN solution. The chapter explains the compute service provisioning process from the three aspects: VM login, VM logout, and VM migration. It examines key technologies used in the cloud DCN solution, including OpenFlow, NETCONF, OVSDB, and Yet Another Next Generation, which is a data modeling language used for NETCONF.