Sub-metering tenants will make them fully accountable for their consumption. In many large facilities, a single department (e.g., Facilities Management or Purchasing) is responsible for paying electric bills incurred by all tenants or divisions (e.g., dorms, labs, administration). To create accountability, a facility may divvy up its monthly electric bill based on each department’s (or tenant’s) floor area as a percent of the total, and send each an allocated monthly bill based on it. The ideal way to measure a tenant’s or department’s usage is through a sub-meter. Electric fork lifts in a food warehouse were being re-charged each day around 3 PM, adding almost 54 kW to the afternoon peak. Depending on the type of customer and when it uses power, annual cost may be lower under a time-of-use rate, if available in the tariff. Cost-cutting options under a time-of-use rate may exist by time-shifting loads and minimizing on-peak kWh consumption.