Associations serving energy service companies (ESCOs) are almost as old as ESCOs themselves. ESCO associations can play an important role in jump starting and/or maintaining an energy performance contracting (EPC) market in a country. ESCO associations often play a central role in harmonizing the interrelated activities of their members, the consumer market, government bodies, the financial market, equipment suppliers, utilities and society as a whole. In most developed countries, ESCO associations are essentially financed by their membership fees, benefits of mandates they perform, and events they organize. In countries with transitional economies, ESCO associations may receive the support of international or bilateral development agencies, which see such associations as a good way to promote the EPC concept. Since ESCOs are service companies, their qualifications typically rest on individual expertise within the ESCO. As with all associations, major goals of the association’s management are to get and keep members.