The isometric contraction in gallbladder (GB) physiological cycle was studied by establishing a GB smooth muscle two-state cross-bridge model. The model possesses two chemical reaction rate constants, called apparent attached rate constant and apparent detached rate constant, which are associated with the rates of change in the concentrations of attached and detached cross bridges. Two rate constants and the level of extracellular Ca2+ concentration were determined with active stress profiles in the isometric contraction provided in Chapter 6. Two cases where constant and variable apparent detached rate constants across subjects were focused. The peak apparent attached rate constant, level of extracellular Ca2+ concentration and active stress were correlate to clinical GB pain profile in Chapter 6. Unfortunately, the success rates of them are lower (66.7%) than using the peak total in-plane stress (75% success rate) in Chapter 6. Clearly, the three parameters are not a sensitive GB pain index.