This chapter will start with a quick summary about the VRay 5 rendering engine, followed by walking users through the process of installing VRay 5 accordingly and setting up the Custom UI and Default Switcher function.

Following that, users will be shown how to load and access the VRay Material browser dialog.

Throughout this chapter, users will be taken through every single VRayMtl parameter and functionalities such as the Diffuse, Roughness, Reflect, Glossiness, Max depth, Fresnel reflections, Metalness, Refract, IOR, Abbe number, Fog color, Fog multiplier, Translucency, Affect shadows, Output, Falloff, BRDF, Coat, Sheen, and Bump.

Finally, users will learn how to use procedural maps such as VRayBitmap, VRayTriplanarTex, Bitmaps, Bricks, Metals, Carpaint, VRayDisplacementMod, VRayUVWRandomizer, VRayMultiSubTex, VRayPointCloudColor, VRayDirt, VRayAerialPersepective, VRayLightMtl, VRayMtlWrapper, VRayOverrideMtl, VRay2SidedMtl, VRayBlendMtl, Mix, and VRayEdgesTex.