Moulting and Growth investigation on moult cycle duration with respect of each moult stage and mechanism of exuviations are not much explored except for the work of Longmuir Smith and Dall. Temperature influence on growth and moulting of other caridean shrimps has been also reported. Though a positive relationship exists between moulting frequency and temperature, the growth of animals is not linear with rise in temperature. Similarly lower growth rate and moulting frequency can be anticipated due to slow metabolism. In salinities other than optimum range, moulting process occurs but the growth increment per moult is less. Literature pertaining to the influence of pH on growth and moulting in crustacean animals is scanty. Extremes of lower and higher pH of medium form a limiting factor for growth and moulting. But extensive studies are still warranted in this field particularly at biomolecular levels to understand the precise mechanism of the synthesis of the hormones.