The entire gambit of shrimp immune system and mechanism of defence can be discussed under three sub headings i.e. physical barriers, cellular and humoral defence system and shrimp immunostimulation. Smith and Chisholm and Smith and Chisholm while working on crustacean immune system mentioned that the circulating haemocytes play extremely important roles not only by direct sequestration and killing of infectious agents but also by synthesis of a battery of bioactive protein molecules. The shrimp Aquaculture industry has grown remarkably over the past several years; it is because of growing international demand for shrimp and stagnating catches of wild shrimp. Initial hopes that farmed shrimp could provide an environmentally benign alternative to over-exploited wild stocks have, however, proven disappointing. The entire gambit of shrimp immune system and mechanism of defence can be discussed under three sub headings i.e. Physical barriers, cellular and humoral defence system and shrimp immunostimulation.