Bacterial diseases of shrimp have been observed for many years and number of worker have noticed that bacterial infection usually occurs when shrimp are weak or shrimps cultured in unhygienic condition. Baculovirus penaei was first reported by Couch in 1974 in pink shrimp P. duorarum. There are reports of causative effects this virus leading to mortalities in shrimp particularly at the post-larval and early juvenile stages. Taura syndrome virus was reported as new disease in shrimp P. vannamei near the mouth of the Taura River in Ecuador in June 1992. Infectious myonecrosis (IMN) is the most newly identified major viral diseases of shrimp. It was first recognized in 2002 in farmed P. vannamei in north-eastern Brazil. Karunasagar et al., while reviewing microbial diseases in shrimp mentioned about the parasitic diseases, particularly about prozoans, ciliates, gregarians and microsporidia and their impact on the shrimp.