The responsible antifungals were econazole in 2 cases, miconazole in 6 cases, isoconazole in 5 cases, and tioconazole in one case; one patient reacted to a base ingredient. Patch tests were positive to econazole nitrate 1% in alcohol, miconazole 1% in alcohol, a 1% econazole prescription cream that the patient had previously used and a sample from a shoe that the patient had had for the previous 5 years. Patch tests were positive to miconazole and econazole cream and the active imidazoles 2% pet. Patch tests were positive to the cream and econazole nitrate 1% pet., but negative to the cream base. The number of reported reactions to econazole was 37. Statistically significant associations have been found in patient data between miconazole, econazole, and isoconazole; between sulconazole, miconazole, and econazole. A patient sensitized to econazole had co-reactions to isoconazole cream, sulconazole 1% and tioconazole solution, which were considered to be cross-reactions, as the patient had never used them before.