Ethacridine is or was apparently also used as an agent for second trimester abortion. There is also a non-hydrate ethacridine lactate with CAS number 1837-57-6. In Croatia, in an undefined period before 2007, 60 patients with venous leg ulcers with or without (allergic contact) dermatitis were patch tested with ethacridine lactate 1% water and there were two positive reactions; their relevance was not specified. In Warsaw, Poland, in the period 1967-1970, 316 selected patients (selection criteria unknown) were patch tested with ethacridine lactate (Rivanol) 1% pet. Within several hours, dyspnoea and palpebral edema increased, and dermatitis developed on both forearms at the site of ethacridine compress application. Contact allergy to ethacridine lactate (Rivanol) was also described in an early publication.