Furaltadone is a nitrofuran antibiotic that is used in veterinary medicine and is effective against bacterial infections in birds when added to feed or drinking water. It was formerly used in humans orally but was withdrawn due to toxicity. However, furaltadone hydrochloride may still be used topically in some countries for treatment of ear disorders. This chapter provides monographs of furaltadone which have caused contact allergy/allergic contact dermatitis. The monographs present: identification section; contact allergy (general population, patients with dermatitis, case reports and case series); cross-reactions; patch test sensitization; photocontact allergy; and immediate contact reactions (contact urticaria). The identification section presents IUPAC names, synonyms, CAS and EC numbers, structural and chemical formulas, Merck Index monographs, and advises on patch testing. The chapter also covers an extensive amount of information to benefit dermatologists, allergists, and all others interested in drug allergy.