Betaxolol was tested in 3 patients and there was one positive reaction. Contact allergy to timolol was established by a positive intracutaneous test at D2 and D4. The patient also reacted to a patch test with the betaxolol eye drops and in a second test session to betaxolol hydrochloride 1%, 2% and 5% water. He was then treated with metipranolol eye drops but experienced a further relapse; contact allergy to metipranolol was shown by patch testing. There were no cross-reactions to a battery of beta-blockers to which he had not been exposed. Patch testing showed a positive reaction to his eye drops and, in a second patch test session, to betaxolol 1% water. Subsequently, a sterile ophthalmic solution containing the excipients at the same concentrations as found in the commercial ophthalmic preparation was tolerated well and it was decided that the patient was contact allergic to betaxolol. An individual sensitized to betaxolol may have cross-reacted to timolol.