A 54-year-old woman for the previous 2 years had suffered from a therapy-resistant post-thrombotic ulcer above the left lateral malleolus, surrounded by a marked oozing eczematous dermatitis. Treatment with bismuth tribromophenate powder produced no improvement during 8 weeks. After the applications of the powder were discontinued and topical treatment was changed to an antibiotic powder, the ulcer healed within a few weeks. Patch tests were positive to bismuth tribromophenate powder 100% and 5% pet. A 71-year-old woman presented with a relapsing ulcer on the medial aspect of the left lower leg for the past 10 years. The ulceration had been present for 31/2 months and was 2+ù2.2 centimeter in size, surrounded by a scaly vesicular dermatitis. The ulcer size diminished somewhat during 5 weeks, but then healing stopped and a persistent dermatitis recurred on the surrounding skin.