In the period 1996-2005, in Hungary, 133 patients with periorbital dermatitis were patch tested with chlorpheniramine maleate 5% pet. In Italy, between 1968 and 1977, 251 selected patients (selection criteria not stated) were tested with chlorpheniramine 2% pet. An 89-year-old man presented with pruritic lesions over his left knee with linear extension down onto the lower leg, where a wound had been treated with an antiseptic containing chlorpheniramine maleate, benzalkonium chloride, dibucaine HCl, naphazoline HCl, and a mixture of fragrance ingredients for 2 days. Patch testing showed the patient to be allergic to chlorpheniramine maleate (1% pet.) and dibucaine HCl (1% pet.). Patch tests were positive to the eye drops 'as is' and its ingredient chlorpheniramine maleate, tested 5% pet. Two patients who developed allergic contact dermatitis from a cream containing dexchlorpheniramine maleate co-reacted to chlorpheniramine maleate 1% water.