The short-term side effects of coal tar pharmaceutical preparations are folliculitis, irritation, phototoxicity and contact allergy. Patch tests were positive to the ointment, coal tar and wood tar mix. Patch tests were positive to coal tar, plant tar and the commercial tar products used. One patient who reported a flare of psoriasis after using tar products had positive patch test reactions to coal tar 1% and 5%. Patch tests were positive to a shampoo containing coal tar and an 'udderfat'. When tested with their ingredients, the patient reacted to coal tar 0.1%, present in the shampoo and to Osmaron B 1% in the udderfat; there was a co-reaction to birch tar. Patch tests were strongly positive to coal tar and liquor carbonis detergens. Another case of non-pharmaceutical contact allergy to coal tar was a woman who became sensitized to the printing ink in newspapers. Patch tests were strongly positive to products E30 and E40 and to coal tar.