Cyproheptadine is a synthetic methylpiperidine derivative with antihistaminic and anti-serotoninergic properties. This agent exhibits anticholinergic and sedative properties and has been shown to stimulate appetite and weight gain. A 26-year-old woman developed exudative edematous erythematous lesions on her face a week after having used vitamin B6 cream, cyproheptadine hydrochloride cream and tetracycline cream simultaneously for facial dryness with itching and fine scaling. Patch testing revealed positive reactions to the cyproheptadine hydrochloride cream and to cyproheptadine HCl 1% and 2% pet. In China, this drug is also used in topical preparations to relieve itching. Previously, a case of contact dermatitis from cyproheptadine HCl cream had been reported in Chinese literature.