Only those who open their hearts can appreciate the beauty.

Collaboration means the unity of goals, division of labor, and the demand of timeliness. To put it bluntly, to complete a common goal, each person is only responsible for a small part of it, and everyone needs to complete their tasks within the prescribed time, and then the overall goal is achieved. In terms of each person, they have different personality, some have a quick temper and some are slowcoach; they have different cultural backgrounds, some admire authority and some challenge authority; they have different experiences, some are still exploring and some are already an expert; they have different styles of doing things, some prefer reservations, and some like face-to-face arguments. Therefore, mutual understanding is necessary for working with others, but it is easier said than done. Without enough patience and empathy, it is difficult to handle the complex situation in collaboration. Moreover, teamwork includes not only intra-team trust but also intra-team questioning. Different perspectives and constant challenges help to inspire teams to produce better results.

This chapter focuses on the collaborative characteristics of team members that play different roles and in different stages of the project, then expands to some methodologies that are helpful to distributed teams, and finally guides you to establish a standardized workflow in your team. Every distributed team collaboration project needs to go through such a process.