Trauma lesions may be patterned or singular. Predation and/or scavenger damage to a carcass must also be identified and differentiated from other trauma. Wounds may be caused by sharp or blunt weapons, fire-arms or by accidents by light or heavy vehicles leading to death. Bruises are caused by a blow from a blunt weapon such as club (lathi), whip, iron bar, stone, ball, fist, boots etc or by a fall or by crushing or compression. The age of the bruise can be known from the colour changes that take place due to disintegration of red blood cells and staining of haemoglobin. Breach in the continuity of the soft tissues of the body including the skin, mucous membrane and cornea. A wound characterized by a tearing of tissues and produced by relatively blunt objects. Lacerations occur when the legs of animals become entangled in wire and also due to automobile accidents.