This chapter emphasizes the applications of the mobile augmented reality (M.A.R.) technology for COVID-19 public health measures. The first two primary chapters explained the core concepts of augmented reality (AR) technology and everything one needs to know about the evolution of COVID-19. Chapter 2 mentioned the kinds of pandemics and global outbreaks over the past few years and the means to tackle the current COVID-19. Here, there is some light shed on AR’s touchless nature, along with the T.A.M. (Technology Acceptance Model) for AR applications and the system methodology for creating 3D content applications. The later sections of this chapter illustrate the significance of the AR application and the use of Unity engine integration with the Vuforia plugin to create a social distancing AR application in the exclusive use cases of retail stores and fitness centers. Following the system methodology, several AR toolkits such as Google AR, Vuforia, Apple ARkit, and others are described with the manual instructions on using the application and the advantages of the same.