This chapter includes personal stories that show why and how diversity and inclusion lead to better investment decisions—a phenomenum supported by empirical research. Meredith Jones, a managing director at Ernst and Young, has more than 23 years of investment industry experience, beginning her career at Van Hedge Fund Advisors International, where she was Director of Research. She produced some of the first widely disseminated research on diversity and investing, and built an early Women in Hedge Funds performance index. Mila Getmansky Sherman is the professor and Judith Wilkinson O'Connell Faculty Fellow at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Isenberg School of Management. She is known for her research in empirical asset pricing, systemic risk, hedge funds, financial crises, financial institutions, and system dynamics. Her work has been featured in the highest caliber academic financial journals such as the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Financial Economics.