The invention of the integrated circuit by both men stands historically as one of the most important innovations of mankind as almost all modern products use chip technology. Kilby used Germanium and Noyce used silicon for the semiconductor material. The manufacturing units producing chips must have clean facilities. Particles that might deposit on a silicon wafer and cause a defect may originate from many sources including people touch-dust, machines processing chemicals, process and residual gases. The silicon industry depends on a ready supply of high quality single crystal wafers. To convert the Metallurgical Grade Silicon into highly purified polycrystalline Electronic Graded Silicon (EGS) multi stage process is required. Pure EGS generally requires that the doping elements reduced to be in ppm range and carbon impurities should be less than 2 ppm. The polysilicon is broken up into pieces to load into crucibles of czochralski crystal growth technique or float-zone crystal growth technique to get Single Crystal Silicon.