This study proposed a hybrid MCDM approach based on the Fuzzy-TOPSIS method to evaluate the problems and solutions to execute India’s e-waste management strategies. Based on the output, the linking up the activities of the informal sector with the formal sectors ranked first, which was followed by addressing a safe disposal of e-waste (EW) both internal and external to domestic levels, imposing hazardous e-waste disposal fees from manufacturers and consumers, adopting a consultative process for an effective e-waste management plan, promoting the awareness program on recycling and disposal of EW, providing incentives and subsidized schemes to the public or industries associated with recycling and disposal of EW, restriction and domestic legal frameworks on importing of EW, and attracting investments in e-waste management sectors, respectively. Moreover, the proposed Fuzzy-TOPSIS method provides an accurate, systematic, and efficient decision tool that enables policymakers to make sound decisions.