This zinc group is constituted by the elements viz., zinc, cadmium and mercury. These elements have d 10 s 2 type of electronic configuration with the most common oxidation state of (+II). Overall compounds of Hg(+II) are more covalent and forms stable complexes in comparison to Cd and Zn(+II) complexes. These elements and their stable ion have d10 configuration therefore, they are not true transition elements and show similarity with group 2 elements though, Zn and Mg show some similarity. Zinc is found to be less reactive because of its smaller atomic radii and higher nucleus charge hence, it has a tendency to form covalent compounds. In broad sense, Zn and Cd show similarity in their compound formation. Mercury is found to be different than these two members specially in its physical state as it is liquid at room temperature, noble and the only element which forms stable (+I) compounds. Hg(+I) salts are stable akin to p-block elements. Zn is a rust proof metal and used for casting and making alloys. Zn is considered as second biologically important metal and ZnO is a commercially important compound.