China is the main fish producer and since 2002 has also been the largest exporter of fish and fish products, although they represent only one percent of its total merchandise trade. Asia is the largest region of seafood export in the world with a trade value of 59.2 United states (US) billion dollars in 2017. Its estimated trade value may increase and reach 61.1 US billion dollars in 2018 and decrease again to forecasted trade value of 59.4 US billion dollars in 2019. Europe was one of the largest importers of seafood that consumed seafood commodities worth 61.3 US billion dollars. Shrimp is one of the high- value and fastest trading seafood products globally and Indian fish economy is also largely dependent on export of shrimp. Asian shrimp farmers remained conservative during the main aquaculture season between April and September of 2019, amid continued low market prices in the international trade.