The foundation of this book is the AI Readiness Framework. Each chapter takes you through one step in the seven-step framework with the snappy acronym EThICAL (Enthuse and educate about AI, Taylor and hone your challenges, Identify your data, Collect more data, Apply AI, Learn from AI). In this closing chapter, we will explain what Step 7 (Iterate) is about and how it encourages you to iterate through the other steps in order to understand and learn more.

We also explain more about why the acronym for the AI Readiness Framework is EThICAL and discuss the importance of ethics when dealing with AI. We guide you through the questions you should be asking yourself and those who are selling AI-driven products and provide you with clear educational examples.

One important outcome of AI Readiness, and this book, is that you are confident and probe the claims of companies that want to sell you their wares. But most of all at the end of this book we want you to realise how amazing you are, as we inspire you to make a friend in AI and enjoy where that takes you.