Analyzing the definitive uses of distinct kinds of bacteria functioning as healing agents in concrete is one of the research objectives of this chapter. The incorporation of bacteria affects the properties of concrete, and the latter is also explored in this chapter. Within concrete resides micro-crack formations, inherent to the material. Concrete structures degrade with time due to deleterious substances entering the concrete through the deteriorated crack formations. As a result, the rehabilitation of concrete is necessary and is achieved via the implementation of autonomous healing methods. Calcite precipitation in concrete stems from the incorporated mix of calcium source with urease engendering bacteria. Micro-crack formations in concrete can be filled in via the bio-mineralization approach, whose findings demonstrate great potential. A perpetual cycle of hydration in the concrete leads to the plugging in of the recently formed micro-crack formations. CaCO3 precipitation results in the micro-crack formations filling in following the combination of calcium source with the ureolytic bacteria that can engender urea, such as Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pasteurii. Improved findings were produced following enhancements to the bacterial concentrations that better the pore structure in concrete. The durability and strength properties of concrete can be improved through the utilization of bacteria and, more importantly, the direct application method is surpassed by the encapsulation technique, as per the literature.