Soil-based media under greenhouse may contain harmful disease causing organisms, nematodes, insect-pests and weed seeds. Methods of disinfection like solarization, steam, chemical and biological control can effectively be used. Soil pasteurization, fumigation, and solarization can be used to control soil-borne diseases, insects, nematodes and weeds. It is important to take steps to prevent pests from being re-introduced to treated soil. Steam is the most common form of heat used for soil pasteurization. Soil fumigation involves the use of volatile chemicals that produce a toxic gas when incorporated into the soil. The soil or growing medium can be disinfected during warmer months of the year by covering soil with transparent plastic. Solarization is a form of soil pasteurization whereby solar energy is trapped beneath plastic sheets spread on the soil surface. Water steam for soil fumigation has been utilized since the beginning of the 20th century, records of which were observed in Germany during 1888.