The final chapter puts together most of the concepts covered over the textbook and particularly the last half of the textbook. Specifically, topics of maintaining and troubleshooting a Linux system are presented. First covered are techniques to ensure the integrity of the file space through backups, RAID and encryption. The chapter then looks at process scheduling, a topic introduced in Chapter 9 but covered in more detail here. Specifically, at, batch and crontab are explored along with atd, crond and anacron. Next, the chapter examines, and in some case re-examines, Linux programs to explore system resource utilization. During this section of the chapter, a closer look at operating system performance is explored with examples of data corruption, process starvation, deadlock and virtual memory thrashing covered. Linux log files, rsyslog, auditd and journald are presented so that the reader can understand the role of log files and how to understand their content. The chapter ends by presenting ten troubleshooting scenarios.