Bay oil is the essential oil obtained from the leaves of the bay rum tree, Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Moore. Essential oils may be obtained from the leaves and the fruits. They are used in perfumes, aftershaves, lotions enhancing hair growth and strength or acting against hair loss, and for commercial food flavoring. Bay oil is a clear mobile liquid of brownish to dark brown color, which has a spicy odor, reminding of cloves. The yield of essential oil from the leaves of Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Moore generally varies from 0.8 to 1.4% of fresh leaves and from 2.5 to 3.5% when obtained from dried leaves. The common clove type proved to contain eugenol and chavicol as main ingredients. The lemon type was dominated by geranial (40%) and neral (32%), whereas the anise type of the bay tree had methyl eugenol (48%) and methyl chavicol (33%) as main ingredients.