Mandarin oil is the essential oil obtained from the pericarp of the mandarin, Citrus reticulata Blanco. In industry, however, sometimes residues from expression of the citrus peels undergo steam distillation, to obtain the remaining oil; these volatile oils may then be added to the expressed oil. Citrus reticulata Blanco, the mandarin orange is an evergreen thorny Citrus tree growing to 4.5-6 meters, which gives fruits resembling oranges. The mandarin orange probably originated from Asia and is widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. The flowers, fruits, endocarps, pericarps and seeds all are considered to have multiple medical applications. The essential oil expressed from the peel is employed commercially in flavoring hard candy, gelatins, ice cream, chewing gum, bakery goods, beverages and liqueurs. Mandarin essential oil is valued in perfume manufacturing, particularly in the formulation of floral compounds and colognes, where the low volatile essential oil components play an important role as head notes.