With the onset of the 21st century, the USAF and DoD along with other existing military communities have recognized cyberwarfare as an emerging domain. The focus of these military communities has shifted to transforming and strengthening the USAF military operations. Platforms that integrate both kinetic and cyber effects provide a holistic view of cyberwarfare scenario and support personnel trainings are required. Thus, the USAF, the DoD, the TRMC, and other military communities have funded various research projects for developing CRs. These CRs support cyberwarfare research and capabilities, trainings of military personnel. These MCRs also facilitate in training, organizing, and equipping the cyber forces against any cyberattacks. Spreading awareness and being prepared for cyberwarfare is beneficial for any nation's security. MCRs have also enhanced the USAF competences in supporting national security goals. Communities both outside and inside USAF can utilize these MCRs for research, training, and development purposes. This chapter is broadly divided into four sections: need of MCRs, simulation-based MCRs, emulation-based MCRs and MACRs. The chapter also provides comparisons between the features and advantages of the discussed MCRs.