The chapter is a collection of different Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms. The algorithms covered are Bacteria Foraging, Whale Optimization, Bat Algorithm, Firefly Algorithm Gravitational Search Algorithm and Reducing Variable Trend Search Method. The fundamental concepts of each method are explained in detail through the required equations and figures. In bacteria foraging, as the name suggests, the method emulates the foraging behavior of the bacteria. The humpback whale hunting strategy is replicated in the whale optimization method. The bats use SONAR for hunting their prey, a similar process is used to form the bat algorithm. Fireflies use their ability to glow to attract mates, prey and to fend of the predators. This behavior of fireflies is converted into an optimization technique in the firefly algorithm. The gravitational search algorithm is formed on the basis of Newtonian gravity and laws of motion. Lastly, the reducing variable trend search method tries to emulate a management-based method to come to an optimal solution. This chapter intends to compile multiple optimization techniques.