The measuring technique and equipment have to be inexpensive, user friendly and fool proof. In this chapter, three electroanalytical measuring techniques are described: potentiometry, voltammetry and conductometry. As a computer-controlled measurement set-up for the evaluation of voltammetric sensors, the authors have selected a PARC EG&G 273 potentiostat /galvanostat as the central piece of equipment. Linear-sweep voltammetry has the advantage in contrast to amperometry, which is also a simple technique, that the complete current-potential information is recorded. Square-wave voltarnmetry is an example of a pulsed voltammetric technique. It is the ideal technique for measurements with voltammetric sensors. The measuring equipment is simple and the measured current is a linear function of the concentration of the electroactive species involved. The final goal of ac impedance measurements is to find an equivalent electronic model and to correlate that model with electrochemical phenomena.