The seminal vesicles are situated proximal to the prostate gland under the base of the bladder. The seminal vesicles develop as an outgrowth from the vas deferens distal to the ampulla. The proximal portion of the seminal vesicle joins the vas deferens and forms the ejaculatory duct. The mucosal folds are covered by an epithelial layer resting on a basement membrane rich in elastic fibers. The epithelium is pseudostratified and consists of tall columnar, nonciliated cells and a few basal cells. The secretory cells contain numerous lipochrome pigment granules and lipid droplets. The secretory epithelial cells produce a viscid liquid containing proteins, carbohydrate, ascorbic acid, and prostaglandins. The peculiar epithelial cells possess huge, atypical nuclei. The chromatin is coarse, and many of the nuclei contain prominent nucleoli. The peculiar epithelial cells possess huge, atypical nuclei. The chromatin is coarse, and many of the nuclei contain prominent nucleoli.