This chapter provides a comprehensive review of Alstonia which is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae found in tropical and southern Africa. It presents information on character, habitat, phenotypic charater and distribution of A. boonei. Trees or shrubs; branches verticillate, in whorls of 4–5. Leaves verticillate or opposite, petiolate, with or without intrapetiolar stipules which are often adnate to the petiole; colleters present in leaf axils. Inflorescence terminal, thyrsoid or compound, subumbellate, in whorls of 1–5. Fruit of two follicles, free or connate at the base. Seeds numerous, pubescent, ciliate, sometimes winged. Tree 25–30 m high with white latex; trunk up to 1.4 m in diameter, with or without buttresses up to 8 m high.