This chapter provides a comprehensive review of Adenium which is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae found in tropical and southern Africa. It presents information on character, habitat, phenotypic charater and distribution of A. obesum. Succulent shrubs or trees 0.2–6 m tall with clear or white latex; lower trunk sometimes up to 1 m in diameter; bark pale grey or brown, smooth; branchlets pubescent at the apex, glabrescent. Leaves alternate, sub-sessile, confined to apices of branchlets, with colleters in the axils; stipules minute or absent; blade entire. Corolla tube infundibuliform to salver-shaped, widened at the throat; lobes obovate, overlapping to the right in bud, with an obcordate corona at the base of and in between the lobes. Fruit of two oblong woody pubescent follicles, coherent at the base, tapering at both ends.