This chapter provides a comprehensive review of Mascarenhasia which is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae found in tropical and southern Africa. It presents information on character, habitat, phenotypic charater and distribution of M. arborescens. Shrubs or trees, mostly with white latex in all parts; branchlets terete. Leaves opposite, sometimes deciduous; ochreae not or slightly widened into intrapetiolar stipules. Inflorescence axillary and/or terminal; peduncle subsessile; bracts sepal-like, persistent. Corolla tube cylindrical in the lower part, abruptly widening just below the insertion of the stamens into a campanulate or narrowly urceolate apical part. Fruit of 2 linear cylindrical follicles, abaxially and longitudinally dehiscent; seeds dark brown, with a coma longer than the grain, directed towards the apex of the follicle.