This chapter provides a comprehensive review of Holarrhena which is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae found in Asia and Africa. It presents information on character, habitat, phenotypic charater and distribution of H. pubescens. Deciduous shrubs or trees up to 25 m high, with abundant white latex in all parts. Leaves opposite, petiole glandular near the base. Inflorescences terminal, cymose, many-flowered; bracts without colleters. Corolla salver-shaped; tube cylindrical, pubescent at the throat; lobes white, overlapping to the right; stamens inserted at the base of the corolla tube; filaments short, pubescent at the base. Fruit of two thin-walled slender follicles, dehiscent; seeds glabrous, with a dense tuft of hairs at the apex, 3–6 as long as the seeds; embryo large, with a scanty endosperm; cotyledons large, complicate.