This chapter provides a comprehensive review of Picralima which is a genus of plant in the family Apocynaceae found in tropical and southern Africa. It presents information on character, habitat, phenotypic charater and distribution of Picralima. Tree or shrub, glabrous in all parts except inside the corolla tube; white latex present in all parts. Leaves opposite. Inflorescence terminal, rarely axillary, a compound umbellate cyme, pedunculate. Flowers fragrant or not. Corolla tube thick and fleshy, almost cylindrical; lobes overlapping to the left, entire, spreading and later recurved; stamens included; filaments short; ovary of two separate carpels, united at the extreme base by a disk-like thickening; ovules numerous in each carpel; pistil head of a stigmatic oblong basal part and a stigmoid apex up to 1.5 mm long. Fruit of two separate mericarps, up to 80-seeded.