Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by “deficits in socialization, communication, and repetitive or unusual behavior.” ASD tends to originate in the first 5 years of childhood, continuing into adulthood and the later stages of life, resulting in individuals requiring high levels of lifelong psychological and physical support. During the last two decades, there has been an increase of 2.6% in the global prevalence of ASD. The increasing prevalence of ASD indicates the possible involvement of various pollutants in the environment. The radiofrequency electromagnetic field radiation (RF-EMFR) has become a potential cause of persistent electromagnetic pollution and oxidative stress with various neurological function impairments. In addition to oxidative stress, the dysregulated immune responses during fetal neurodevelopment can cause ASD. Multiple mechanisms are directly and indirectly involved through environmental pollution, RF-EMFR, and various biological and physiological function impairments. The RF-EMFR pollution impairs normal biological and developmental processes from sperm to fetus, infant to adult, and later life. RF-EMFR pollution can cause developmental, behavioral, and neurological health problems, including ASD.