Students’ writing is likely to be unique to them and hence recognisable as them, as long as they are using their own words (and not plagiarising). Their way will likely change with time and experience, but remain theirs throughout their writing life. If they keep writing, people will be able to recognise their distinct style. Having said that students should write about subjects that they feel passionately about, this does not mean that they should write with unsubstantiated passion. Kurt Vonnegut, infamous novelist, provided some advice for writers. First, he made an impassioned plea for technical writers to use their own writing style. What is most impressive about Vonnegut's advice is that he argues from the readers' standpoint. His parting advice: “The audience requires writers to be sympathetic and patient teachers, ever willing to simplify and clarify – whereas they would rather soar high above the crowd, singing like nightingales”.