This chapter presents various aspects of programmable electronic mining system safety. It covers programmable electronics usage trends in mining industry, programmable electronic-associated mishaps, lessons learned in addressing programmable electronic mining systems safety, methods for performing programmable electronic mining systems hazard and risk analysis, sources for obtaining programmable electronic mining system safety-related information, problems, and references.

The methods covered are interface analysis, hazard and operability studies (HAZOP), operating and supporting analysis (OASA), potential or predictive human error analysis, event tree analysis (ETA), action error analysis (AEA), and sequentially times events plot (STEP) investigation system. The sources covered for obtaining programmable electronic mining system safety-related information are organizations and systems, commercial sources for obtaining standards, and standards and books.

There are ten problems at the end of the chapter to test the reader’s comprehension in the area. Finally, it is added that the sources of most of the material presented in the chapter are given in its reference section. This will be useful to readers if they desire to delve more deeply into a specific topic or area of interest.