This chapter looks at the topics of surveying, inspecting and monitoring Cathodic Protection (CP) systems. In addition to localised measurements of potential or current density, “inspection” also covers the detailed examination of CP system components including: the physical condition of anodes, fixed references, cabling or conduits, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) electrical hardware and instrumentation, or the extent of sacrificial anode consumption. For ships fitted with ICCP systems, ISO 20313 recommends the same regime of post-commissioning and pre-docking dip-cell surveys as for the sacrificial anode systems. There is a stronger case for dip-cell surveys on vessels with ICCP systems. Where a retrofit CP system is installed based on sacrificial anode sleds, it is becoming a routine exercise to place a current clamp meter around the cable to confirm that it is connected to the structure, and to measure the current output.